A credible source of answers is imperative NOW. A source The is avalable nnow and has beenfor 3500 years. That sounds just a little not worth worth considering. The Bible's history and solutions with in it's 66 Books pened by y40 seperate autor sThe. istory of the Bible is for the most part, choronological from Geesis to Revelstions. The history is the first part of the Bible The 2nd is of books of Psalms, Proverbs. Next are the Prophets that wrote Their lives and many prophesies of Jesus.Some relligious leaders count a little more than 300. That is because they count the Prophesies that are mentioned more than once. More more accrately would be 270.The New Testament contains in the first foud books The entire recorde of the life and death of Jesus. The next books are the writings ot the Apostles, and thr history of the beginings ofChristiany and it's growth and persecutaions. The last book is the future of christiant and the l...
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